The Computer Chronicles

Yesterday I was watching old episodes of the Computer Chronicles and those early episodes had a lot more levity during the roundtable discussions and it was a lot more business focused compared to the later seasons that were almost completely focused to personal computing.

My guess is that sometime during the late 80’s the found of that viewers didn't really care some much about what was happening in the board rooms and labs of the high-tech industry and cared more about what they could actually buy and use on their own.

I also watched the Gary Killdall special of the Computer Chronicles. That was really very well done and he seemed like a genuinely awesome person. RIP Gary.

Where Am I

Hmmm, it’s been a while. I started a new job. It’s DevOps, not OSINT, but I am in a better place in my life. I want to do more learning and more writing. I know a lot about things that OSINT courses never touch upon. Too many times they only focus on the mainstream because it’s easiest. I think I can help people learn about the parts of the internet that are not well known or understood.
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