
Researching OSINT Companies and People

One thing I’ve been doing as a part of my research into #OSINT as a future occupation is to scope out who is hiring, look up the company’s website and their employees LinkedIn pages to see what experience they have.

I don’t use a sock-puppet account for this, though I do have one. I actually want people to see me looking because when I start applying for jobs, I want my name to stick out. Also, I’m learning a lot about the OSINT job market by what these companies do on a day to day basis, and eventually I hope to make more contacts that can help with that.

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Review: A Christmas Story Christmas

I’m wary of remakes and sequals that are made years or decades after the original. Too many times, they are lazy. Only a handful of the original actors ever come back, if they come back at all. The plots generally try to remake the original film beat for beat and by the middle, you know exactly how the ending will go because you’ve seen this movie before and it was better the first time.

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My Love and Hate Relationship with Hugo


I decided to change this website yet again to a simple Hugo generated site for a few reasons.

  1. It is more secure. There’s no login and password like with Wordpress that can be hacked. The only way into the site is with my SSH key.
  2. It is simple. I hate cookies warnings and I hate it when web developers include cookies when they are not needed. Consider this to me by privacy statement. This website doesn’t have any cookies therefore there is nothing for me to use or sell.
  3. I like the idea of being able to edit my site with a CLI text editor. I am writing this with Vim.

However, Hugo is a pain in the butt to work with at times. I would genuinely have more flexibity to make pages using plain html, but that would also be a to write and it would be ugly.

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I Rented a Tesla

I rented a black Tesla model 3 Standard Range+ for a little more than two weeks for a trip to visit family in Illinois. I still have it for a couple of days before I have to take it back and fly home.

“Was is everything that I hoped it would be?”

In a way, yes it was exactly what I was expecting. Did I get the anticipated “instant torque”? Yes, I got it in loads but the thrill sort of wore off after the first couple of days. Did I get the dreaded range anxiety? Yes, I got heaps of that also. The closest supercharger was approximately 8-10% away in terms of battery range. I was able to slow charge at night using an 120V AC wall charger which gave me 20-30% overnight so I was never terribly concerned about range, but it was something that was always on my mind.

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Hello world.

This is the first time that I am really giving Hugo a shot. Let’s see how this turns out.

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